
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Marcia, where have you been?

Well, the short answer is, EVERYWHERE!  I haven't been purposely neglectling you, just BUSY!!!

Between a weekend of family reunion and back and forth to deliver Aaron for Grandma Week, I've been out of town 3 weekends in a row.  It's a long drive to Fresno...   Unfortunately I'm notorious for falling asleep in the car and, since I had to do the back and forth by myself two weekends in a row, I actually resorted to Red Bull.  That stuff is NASTY and I don't imagine it does anything good to our
bodies, but it DOES keep me awake.        

During the week Aaron was up north with the Grandmas, I spent the week shovelling out the house for the project below.  Yes, "shovelling," is a fairly apt term here.  For the past 4 years our son has only gotten to take a bath when we were staying in a hotel because our bathtub was being used for, yes, that's right, STORAGE!  The three Pack Rats and the business in our 1059 square feet make for a tight fit.  Well, we were getting our other bathroom remodeled so I had to empty the tub so we could use it.   The Duck Bathroom (which had the full tub) will still be ugly but at least we can use it again.

Here are pictures of what we had in OUR bathroom before: 

Monday afternoon:

Also Monday afternoon:

Wednesday evening:  It's not ready yet, but I'm gonna relax in my tub whether I have water or not!

I actually DID play with paper yesterday for the first time in WEEKS!

Pictures to follow...


  1. I'm glad you're back - and I'm looking forward to seeing your latest paper pretties!

  2. at least u look comfortable!! hey don put up a shelf and is building me another i think,,,he asked for dimensions lol
