
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer, days 8 and 9

Wow!  I've had a terrific couple of days!   

This week is JTTA (Journey Through the Arts) at our church.  This is the 17th year of kids entering Kindergarten through 5th grade coming and moving, singing, acting, making things, and performing.  This is the 6th year I've had the privledge of helping and interacting with the kids.  This year I have a group of kids entering 2nd and 3rd grades and they're a lot of fun!  Getting them from place to place around the church campus is a bit like herding cats but they're a kick in the pants!   It's a joyous thing.  :>)

Yesterday and this afternoons were absolutely amazing!  Aaron has "resisted" swimming lessons for the last 5 years.  That resistance has varied from screaming "I want my Mama!" continuously for 35 minutes to flatly refusing to to anything involving letting go of the side of the pool.  Frustrating?  Yes, but more frightning.   We want him to be as safe as possible in the water.

We FINALLY broke down and enrolled him at Marjean's Swimland for this and next week.  If you live in Ventura County and have kids you've probably heard of it.  They have the "Magic Water" 
By the end of yesterday's, lesson 1, he was willingly jumping into the pool off the wall on the side.

I could NOT believe it!!!!!

Today's lesson ended with him happily jumping in at 10' and wanting to do it more. 


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