
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Which would YOU start with?

     My favorite UPS driver came by today and left a few things for me.  WHEE!  Now comes the hard part.  SOMEHOW I have to figure out which ones I want to use for the Card Buffet coming up on Friday, June 15th.  I want to try the ALL and I want to try them NOW!  Too bad tomorrow's my son's last day of school. 

     Sooooooooooo, if all these sets were sitting at your house, which would you try first?  What colors would you choose? 


  1. I'd be tempted to start with those lovely flowers in the middle of the top row of the third photo. :-)

    1. I'll be doing those for July, probably for my class, in Camarillo, on the 29th. The set is called, "Reason to Smile," and will only be available for the month of July. It will be available for $5.00 with an order of $50 in other products. :>)
